Yes the driving distance between Newark to New York is 11 miles It takes approximately 15 min to drive from. Yes the driving distance between Newark to New York City Center is 14 miles It takes approximately 16 min to drive. The journey time between Newark and Manhattan is around 29 min and covers a distance of around 12 miles. There are 886 miles from Newark to New York in east direction and 11 miles 1770 kilometers by car following the US-1. The distance between Newark New York Newark Liberty International Airport and New York New York John F. Newark Airport is 18 miles from Midtown Manhattan and taking a taxi into the city from New Jersey is. The total driving distance from Newark NJ to New York NY is 13 miles or 21 kilometers. 7 The best way to find a cheap train ticket from Newark to New York is to book your journey as far in..
Newark to New York by train The train journey time between Newark and New York is around 20 min and covers a distance of around 10 miles. Taking a NJ Transit train from Newark to New York City costs 1550 How far is it from Newark to New York City. There are 6 ways to get from Newark to New York City Center by train subway bus taxi or car Select an option below to see step-by-step directions and to. From Newark Liberty Airport Station you can take a NJ Transit train right into New York Penn Station Although AirTrain runs 24 hours a day. Book now There are 8 ways to get from Newark Airport EWR to New York by train tram bus taxi car shuttle or towncar Select an option below to see..
. Newark to New York by train. . . 10K visitors in the past month..
Yes the driving distance between Newark to New York is 11 miles It takes approximately 15 min to drive from Newark to New York. Yes the driving distance between Newark to New York City Center is 14 miles It takes approximately 16 min to drive from Newark to New York City Center. There are 886 miles from Newark to New York in east direction and 11 miles 1770 kilometers by car following the US-1 and US-9 route Newark and New York are 17. How far is New York City from Newark New Jersey Heres the quick answer if you make this quick drive without any stops Of course traffic is going to make a big difference so make sure you. The total driving distance from Newark NJ to New York NY is 13 miles or 21 kilometers Your trip begins in Newark New Jersey It ends in New York New York If you are planning a road trip..